Always list every one of your medical conditions, physical or mental, when you file for disabilityTip 5: Disability cases are almost never won on the basis of one single condition. They are usually won on the basis of several conditions which most people usually have when they apply for disability. Are you required to have several conditions in order to win disability benefits? No; however the way you win disability benefits is to establish as many physical or mental limitations as possible so that, under the Social Security administration definition of disability, it can be shown that A) you do not have the capability to either go back to work you did in the past and B) you do not have the ability to perform some type of other work. Other work is work that you might ordinarily be able to switch to based on your age, your work skills, your education, and your current level of residual functional capacity (residual functional capacity is what you can still do mentally and physically even with your overall condition). The more physical or mental limitations you have, the more likely it will be that it can be proven that you no longer have the ability to engage in work activity. And, of course, the more physical or mental impairments that are listed on the disability application, the easier it will be to show a wider range of physical or mental limitations. It is for this very reason that individuals who file for disability are advised to list every single one of their conditions at the time of their application. Leaving just one of your conditions from your disability application could make the difference between winning or losing a claim. This could be the case even for a condition that you have, but that you do not think actually makes you disabled. For example, it is often the case that an individual is approved for disability, but not for the condition that they thought would actually get them awarded disability benefits, such as filing for arthritis but actually being awarded for a mood disorder. And, of course, in many cases it is not simply one medical condition that will result in a case being awarded for benefits, but, rather, the limitations that result from two or more conditions, for example degenerative disc disease, arthritis, and depression. Terms discussed: About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here. Most popular topics on Social Security Disability in North Carolina Common Mistakes to avoid after being denied for Disability Tips to Prepare for Filing for Social Security Disability or SSI Advice to Win SSD and SSI Benefit Claims Social Security Disability SSI Questions What is the difference between Social Security Disability and SSI? How to get disability for depression Getting disability for fibromyalgia SSI disability for children with ADHD What is the Application Process for Social Security Disability and SSI? Social Security Disability SSI Exam tips More Social Security Disability SSI Questions What makes you eligible for Social Security Disability or SSI? Related pages: Tips for Getting Disability Approved When you File with Social Security Tips on how to file for disability Social Security Disability Tips - how a claim gets worked on Tips to Prepare for Filing for Social Security Disability or SSI What should you say if you go to a Social Security Exam? Always list all your various symptoms on your Disability Application List every medical condition, physical or mental, when you file for disability Never minimize your pain or other symptoms because this can be used against you Be ready for your disability application before the process even starts A Tip for Making a Request for a Disability Hearing Social Security Disability Advice from the Wrong Sources Can the Social Security Office give you Bad Advice on a Disability Claim? Financial Help When You Are Filing For Disability Getting a Disability Lawyer in New York If you apply for disability in New York Will I qualify for disability Benefits in New York |