If you already receive disability benefits in Illinois, can you work?
The answer to this question will be similar to the answer given for the previous question (can you apply for Social Security Disability or ssi if you are working?). Technically, you must simply stay under the SGA limit as determined for a specific year.
However, it should be said that individuals who are only applying for disability benefits are in a somewhat different position from individuals who are already receiving SSD (Social Security Disability) or SSI benefits.
Individuals in Illinois who are receiving benefits and are working may still be using up part of their trial work period (in 2007, earning over $640 per month made that month count as part of your trial work period) and you only get 9 months for your trial work period in a rolling five year period.
1. Social Security Disability and Work
2. Social Security Disability SSI and whether or not you can work
3. If you are working, can you get disability?
4. Will Social Security deny my disability claim if I am working?
5. Are you allowed to work if you get disability?
For safety's sake, if you work and draw Social Security Disability benefits, you may find it safer to not only stay below SGA ($1170 per month in 2017 but subject to change each year), but also stay under the trial work earnings limit ($840 per month in 2017, but also subject to change each year).
Please Note: To view the current amount for SGA, please visit this page - Earnings limit for SSDI and SSI.
About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability
Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here.
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