Taking early social security retirementWhat should you do if you would like to take early social security retirement? If you are nearing the age of sixty-two, you should contact your local Social Security office and schedule an interview. It would be best to schedule this interview a couple of months prior to age sixty-two if you wish to file for early retirement. Once you have your interview scheduled, you will need to obtain a certified copy of your birth record if you do not have one. Remember that Social Security retirement is a benefit which is based on age. If you are a naturalized citizen, you will need to bring a copy of your naturalization papers. Additionally, if you are a legal permanent resident you will need proof of your alien status. Naturally, if you are a permanent resident or naturalized citizen you will also need to provide a certified copy of your birth record. If there is no record of your birth, you will be informed as to what additional forms of evidence are acceptable proofs of age. Once the Social Security Administration receives the required evidence, they will make an age determination. When applying for early If you do not want to show all of your tax records or corporate records, you may wish to consider not taking early social security retirement and, instead, wait until your full retirement age before you begin to collect your Social Security retirement benefit. Once an individual has reached full retirement age, Social Security does not care how much the individual earns; therefore there would be no need for a questionable retirement determination. If you just wish to find out what your Social Security retirement benefit amount might be, or have questions about early retirement or Social Security Retirement Questions. |