Social Security and Disability Benefits for ChildrenAre children eligible to receive disability benefits? Children who apply for disability through the SSI program go through a disability process similar to an adult. How do you apply for disability for your child or your children? SSI disability is a needs based disability program that requires all applicants whether they are adults or children to meet strict income and resource limits. Methods of Eligibility for Social Security Disability Children Benefits Once a child turns eighteen, their parent's income will not be counted against them for entitlement to Supplemental Security Income benefits. At this point, the SSI beneficiary would have the same eligibility requirements as an adult. What are the Chances of Being Approved for a Child who is Filing for Disability? When a disability examiner at disability determination services works to process an SSI claim involving a child, their evidence gathering activity will focus on both A) medical records and B) school records. Why are Disability Cases Involving Children More Likely to be Denied? When children file for disability on the basis of physical problems, this is often done based on conditions that can be more severe at an earlier age, and less severe as the child gets older. If You Get Social Security Disability or SSI Benefits, Will Your Dependents Get A Check? Some Social Security Disability beneficiaries have enough additional money on their record to pay dependent benefits and others do not. Why Are Child SSI Cases Often Turned Down By Social Security Disability Examiners? There are certainly many valid child disability claims, and many of these claims are either improperly denied by the social security administration, or are denied for lack of evidence. Social Security Disability SSI and ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Most statistical evidence suggests at least sixty percent of the people diagnosed with ADHD as children continue to have ADHD as adults. SSI Disability for Children and Age Appropriate Activities Age appropriate activities are the accepted age level functional activities that a child should be able to perform. Can you apply for SSI for a learning disability? Social Security does not discern between physical or mental impairments, only how your impairment or impairments affect your ability to function in daily activities including work activity. What does SSA consider a severe impairment for Social Security Disability or SSI Disability Benefits? The question for disability examiners and disability judges is whether a condition has become severe enough to put a significant burden on one's ability to work or, for children, engage in age-appropriate activities. About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here. |