Answers to Questions about SSI Disability Benefits

SSI Disability - Filing for SSI Benefits
Like Social Security Disability, to qualify for SSI disability a person must have one or more medically determinable medical conditions.

What Disabilities Qualify for SSI and Social Security Disability Benefits?
The social security administration has two separate systems of approval for mental and physical disabilities.

What is the difference between Social Security Disability and SSI?
Social Security Disability is a disability insurance program based upon an insured status earned through an person's work activity. SSI is a disability program intended to help individuals who are not insured.

What happens if my SSI or Social Security Disability Application is denied?
Before answering this question directly, let's first analyze your options if you are denied on your claim for SSI disability.

Can I Be Eligible For SSI And Social Security Disability At The Same Time?
Yes, you can be eligible for both SSI and Social Security Disability benefits at the same time. To explain, let's start by stating...

Can you get temporary Social Security Disability or SSI benefits?
SSI disability is not meant to be a short term disability program and does not provide temporary benefits, however there may be situations in which an individual may actually only need to receive disability benefits for a short time.

How much time does it take to get an SSI Decision?
For those who are interested in calling to check the status of a disability claim, bear in mind that the social security office will typically not be of much assistance in this area.

The SSI Award Letter from Social Security
A SSI award letter generally gives an approximate date that the beneficiary will receive their first monthly check. It also gives...

What Benefits come with SSI Disability?
SSI benefits can be reduced from the maximum amount if an individual has income, of course. SSI also comes with access to medicaid.

How Many Work Credits Do You Need To Have For SSI or Social Security Disability Eligibility?
Supplemental Security Income disability (SSI), on the other hand, has no insured status requirement. In fact, an individual could potentially be eligible for SSI even if they have never worked.

Will the income of a Spouse Affect My Disability Benefits?
SSI only considers a spouse's income if they live in the household with you.

What are the Assets that count for SSI Disability?
The SSI disability program is a need based disability program; therefore like other need based programs it has a resource limit. Resource, of course, meaning assets.

Is There A Maximum Dollar Amount For SSI Disability?
Social Security establishes a new maximum SSI monthly benefit amount each year. However, an individual may or may not receive the maximum amount of their SSI disability benefit.

How Far Back Can SSI Back Pay Be Paid?
SSI back pay can become a substantial amount simply because of the nature of the disability process.

Can you apply for SSI for a learning disability?
You can apply for SSI for any disability or conditions that prevent you from being able to work.

More on the following topics here: Supplemental Security Income Disability Benefits

  • How do you Apply for SSI?
  • What is the Application Process for Social Security Disability and SSI?
  • The non-medical Disability Requirements for SSD and SSI
  • Who is eligible for SSI Disability?
  • What are the SSI disability qualifications for Adults and Children?
  • Do You Have To Qualify For SSI Financially?

    About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here.