What Benefits come with SSI Disability?

SSI stands for supplemental security income. It is one of the two disability programs operated by the social security. It is different from SSD, or Social Security Disability, in the sense, that it is not based on a person having paid enough into the system to become insured for title II benefit coverage (this coverage is a result of paying fica taxes during the course of one's work years).

SSI is based on need, and therefore it is the program that provides disability benefits for individuals who have never worked, such as children, individuals who have lost their eligibility for SSD, and individuals who are covered by SSD but are only eligible for a small SSD check each month because their earnings over the years were very low.

Note: when a person receives both SSD benefits and SSI benefits, this is known as a concurrent claim, and this is allowed simply to guarantee that a person is eligible for disability benefits may receive a minimum benefit amount each month that is not any lower than what SSI beneficiaries receive as their full payment amount.

What do you get with SSI?

1. SSI provides a monthly disability benefit payment. The current monthly maximum SSI benefit is $771 for an eligible individual. SSI benefits can be reduced from the maximum amount if an individual has income, of course.

2. SSI also comes with access to medicaid which is a combined state and federal benefit. Like SSI, medicaid is based on need. Medicaid may vary from state to state in terms of the benefits it offers; however, medicaid will generally provide for a specific number of medicine prescriptions per month as well as a number of doctor visits per month.

About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here.

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