Why is the Social Security Disability Decision Process So Slow?It is well known that the disability process is often long and drawn out. There is no deadline by which a disability examiner is required to render a decision regarding disability benefits, although in most cases a claimant will receive a decision on their application within a few months. Some cases are decided more quickly, within weeks, and some can take up to a year (both scenarios are in the minority). So what does it mean if your case is one of those that seems to be taking forever to decide? Is it an indication that someone in the disability process, perhaps the claims rep that took your application at the social security office, or the disability examiner assigned to your case, is lazy or incompetent? The answer to this question is most certainly no. In fact, since the job performance of everyone working at the federal social security administration and state disability determination services agency is evaluated by how quickly and efficiently disability cases are closed, just about everyone involved in processing your request for benefits wants to move your claim through the system as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there are a number of factors that can impede a disability examiner's progress as they begin to process an application, the most common being difficulty receiving the medical records they need to make a decision regarding a claimant's disability claim status. Many individuals actually delay a decision in their own claim by providing incomplete medical history and physician contact information on the disability application that they initially submitted to social security. If the disability examiner cannot locate a claimant's physician or medical facilities that have provided treatment, then there is no way to get copies of diagnosis, x-rays, MRIs, patient files, etc. Even when the disability examiner is able to contact the doctors or hospitals listed on your application, many medical professionals and institutions are notorious for their slow response to requests for medical records. In addition, some cases may have to be put on hold until the results of surgery, physical therapy, treatment with a new medication, or any other new development in the case, can be ascertained. Federal disability benefits are awarded only to individuals who are judged to be severely disabled, or disabled to the point that they are unable to support themselves financially for a period of at least a year. If there is a chance that any treatment can significantly improve an impairment, Social Security will hold off with their decision until the effects of the treatment on a claimant's symptoms can be evaluated. Keep in mind that, although it is true that everyone in the disability determination process wants your case to be decided quickly, it is also true that everyone in the disability determination process wants to make sure that benefits are awarded only to those who can document, through medical evidence, that they are truly, severely disabled. About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here. 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