SSI Benefits - who is Eligible and How do I apply for them?

SSI benefits are potentially payable to anyone who meets the social security administration definition of disability and both children and adults may be entitled to receive disability benefits under this program. However, before medical records are obtained and evaluated under the criteria of the program (as well as work history for adults and school records for children), eligibility for SSI begins with need.

Contrary to Social Security Disability, which is based strictly on the insured status of the working individual and the determination that they are, in fact, medically disabled, SSI does have non-medical criteria that must be met in order for a person to be entitled to monetary benefits. In fact, this criteria must be met before a claim can even be taken.

How do you apply for SSI benefits for yourself, or your child? All Social Security Disability programs require a disability interview. You must contact Social Security to schedule an appointment for a disability interview. Contacting your local Social Security office, or calling the toll free Social Security number can accomplish this.

For more information on how the disability process works, see:

1. What Happens in the processing of a disability claim after you file?
2. Filing a disability application and what happens during an interview.
3. What are the Assets that count for SSI Disability?

Once you have your disability interview appointment scheduled, you may be wondering what type of information Social Security will need to process your (or your child's) application for SSI benefits. Since Supplemental Security Income is based upon need, you will need to bring in information about your income and resources. Currently, individuals applying for SSI disability are entitled to have countable assets totaling two thousand dollars, if single, and three thousand dollars for a couple.

What does Social Security view as a resource or asset? Social Security considers land or property other than the property you live on as a resource, insurance policies that have cash value, vehicles (cars, boats, etc), cash, stocks, bonds, and other sellable items as countable resources.

The SSI program also considers income such as veteran's benefits, long term or short term disability benefits, and any type of wages payable to you or your spouse when determining your (or your child) eligibility for Supplemental Security income.

Keeping this in mind, what does Social Security require as a verification of income and resources? When you come to your interview, you will need to be able to provide information about your vehicles, bank accounts, investment information, life insurance policies, burial funds, and payroll information.

If you meet the income and resource qualifications of SSI, the claims representative will review your medical sources such as doctors, hospitals, and clinics where you have received treatment. Additionally, Social Security will need information about your work activity prior to becoming disabled to work, and your educational background. Once Social Security has gathered all of your medical information, your SSI claim will be sent to a state disability processing agency for a medical decision to be made.

Once a medical decision is made your SSI claim, it will be sent back to your local Social Security Office. If the medical decision was an allowance (an approval), you will be called in for an backend interview. This interview is used to determine your living arrangements and if you still meet the income and resource limits of the SSI disability program.

About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here.

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