HOW DO YOU WIN AN SSI OR Social Security Disability HEARING?

How Do You Win An SSI or Social Security Disability Hearing?

Many think there is some secret way to win an SSI hearing, however there is no secret way. Frankly, you can win your SSI hearing by being thoroughly prepared for your hearing before the social security administrative law judge. Now you may be asking yourself, how can I be thoroughly prepared to win my SSI hearing?

You can prepare yourself for your Social Security Disability or SSI hearing by obtaining a Social Security Disability representative. Individuals who retain a Social Security representative are more likely to win their SSI or Social Security Disability hearing than those who attempt to represent themselves (national statistics indicate individual's who have representative win more disability hearings) at their SSI hearing. Social Security representatives are familiar with Social Security Disability rules and guidelines; consequently they are able to present the facts of your disability claim in a way that is more favorable you.

Additionally, your Social Security representative will obtain any current medical records, physician statements, or any other information that may aid in winning your Social Security Disability or SSI hearing.

Other than obtaining a Social Security representative, what can you do to win your Social Security Disability or SSI hearing? You should show up at your hearing on time, since most administrative law judges have little patience for tardiness. Also, you should wear appropriate attire for your Social Security Disability or SSI hearing, dress as you would for any other important court appearance. Lastly, be prepared to answer questions about your disabling condition or conditions, and how the limitations imposed by your condition have prevented you from performing routine daily activities including work activities.

For the most part, your Social Security Disability or SSI hearing will be your best chance to win disability benefits. Administrative law judges have more leeway in making their disability determinations than state disability agencies. You should do all that you can to improve your chances of winning your hearing. If you follow the above mentioned tips, you may dramatically improve the likelihood of winning your SSI hearing.

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