More answers to filing for disability benefits in North Carolina
Home » More answers to filing for disability benefits in North Carolina
by Tim Moore. Free Case Evaluation here.
Questions about filing for Disability in NC
On the page preceding this one (NC Disability questions), I have provided answers to many questions that you may have if you are interested in applying for disability in North Carolina, or you have already done so.
Note: if you need assistance with your disability claim, contact us at: 919-890-8519.

As I have stated in other areas of this site, this information is based on my work experience as a disability examiner at NC DDS, a.k.a. North Carolina Disability Determination Services. DDS is where decisions on disability claims (SSD and SSI) for the Social Security Administration are made.
The information on SSDRC is based on my work background
Here on this page, I am providing additional answers to questions about the disability process. These are general answers to questions, but they are provided because Social Security is not good about providing such information. And, unfortunately, many of the people who work in Social Security offices do not actually know much about how the Social Security Disability and SSI disability claim process works. My own knowledge of the system is based on my experience as a disability representative but also as a disability examiner. In other words, a decision-maker on claims.
My background
In addition to being a former disability examiner, I am also a disability representative. This means that I represent cases at the disability application, reconsideration appeal, and disability hearing levels. And to complement that, I have taken and passed the federal written examination that is administered by the Social Security Administration and which is authorized under Public Law No. 111-142, “The Social Security Disability Applicants’ Access to Professional Representation Act of 2010”. The purpose of this exam is to test knowledge of the relevant provisions of the Social Security Act and also knowledge of the most recent developments in SSA including court decisions that affect titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act.
Accredited Disability Representation
Furthermore, I am what is known as an ADR, or Accredited Disability Representative. This accreditation is received from NADR, the national association of disability examiners, an organization whose members specialize in the handling and representation of Social Security Disability and SSI claims.
If you need assistance on getting your disability benefits from Social Security, you may contact me, Tim Moore, using the form below. I do not handle retirement issues and instead specialize in attempting to win disability benefits for individuals who find that they are disabled and unable to work.
We provide help in getting you your North Carolina Social Security Disability or SSI benefits
More Answers to Questions
Rate of approval on Social Security Disability claims in North Carolina
Filing for disability in North Carolina and a Medical Exam
Medical records for a North Carolina Disability Hearing
How long does a disability claim take in North Carolina?
Applying for disability in North Carolina and getting medical records
Should I get a North Carolina Disability Lawyer who is only paid if they win?
Filing for disability in NC, How long do I have to be out of work?
How SSI and Social Security Disability Claims work in North Carolina, NC
Doing a disability appeal in North Carolina
NC Disability Hearing, Preparing for it
NC Disability Hearing, Having a lawyer and getting records
Getting Disability in North Carolina, NC
Seventy Percent of disability applications are denied in North Carolina. Complete the form below to get help with your disability claim. We are local, we understand how the system works in NC, and our consultation is FREE. After submitting, please scroll to the bottom for the confirmation that your form was sent, and to copy our phone number if you have further questions.