Answers to winning a disability case in NC| Social Security Disability Resource Center

Improve your chances of getting disability in North Carolina

by Tim Moore. Free Case Evaluation here.

You can improve your chances of getting disability in North Carolina approved if you do the following:

1. If you get denied on a disability claim, file an appeal immediately.

Social Security Disability North Carolina

Social Security always gives you an appeal period of 60 days from the date of the denial, plus an additional five days for mailing time. This by itself goes a long way toward improving your chances of getting disability in North Carolina simply because a missed appeal deadline will usually require filing a new claim from scratch which will typically be denied again for the same reason as the first initial claim.

Also, filing a new claim starts the case with a new filing date and the potential loss of a significant amount of disability back pay.

If you are represented by a disability attorney, or a nonattorney disability representative, call that individual’s office immediately to put them on notice to file your appeal.

2. Supply appropriate medical evidence.

You or your disability representative should supply solid medical evidence; in other words medical records that contains enough information so that the decision-maker on your case (who may be a disability examiner or a federal judge) can make the assessment that either A) you have a condition that meets a listing in the Social Security bluebook or B) you have mental and/or functional limitations that exceed your ability to return to work activity.

3. Supply current medical evidence.

In the Social Security Disability and SSI system, you cannot be approved to receive disability benefits if at least some of your medical records are not current, meaning that they are not any older than 90 days.

Even if the remainder of your medical records indicate that you clearly meet the requirements for disability, under either the SSD or SSI disability program, you cannot be awarded benefits if none of those records are current. This simply means that for Social Security to grant you benefits there must be proof that you are “currently disabled”.

Social Security Disability North Carolina

4. Supply older medical evidence.

To be awarded disability benefits under SSD or SSI, as we have just stated you must supply current medical evidence. However, to receive back pay benefits–back to the time that you stated on your disability application that you first became disabled–you must supply medical evidence that corroborates your alleged onset date, which is basically when you claimed that your disability started.

5. Attempt to get a statement from your doctor, or a doctor that has a history of providing treatment to you.

At our practice, we do this at the hearing level because it is a proven technique to win.

Seventy Percent of disability applications are denied in North Carolina. Complete the form below to get help with your disability claim. We are local, we understand how the system works in NC, and our consultation is FREE. After submitting, please scroll to the bottom for the confirmation that your form was sent, and to copy our phone number if you have further questions.

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