When can I expect my first disability check and my back pay check?

"Are you able to tell me, or is anyone able to tell me when I can expect my first disability check and my back pay check? I am behind on my house payment and my bills and am being threatened to have my utilities shut off. Is my name on a list anywhere for a scheduled payment? My disability was approved on April 17th if that helps."

I cannot say exactly when you will receive your first disability check, however most disability applicant receive their first disability check within four to six weeks of being approved for disability benefits. Your disability back payment of benefits if you are entitled to any may take longer, especially if you were entitled to receive some SSI benefits.

If you were entitled to some SSI disability, Social Security cannot clear your disability back payment through the normal automated process, thus it takes more time to process the award manually.

If you are behind on your house payment, I would contact them and provide them with a copy of your award notice. Sometimes, mortgage companies will work with homeowners when they are aware they have been approved for disability benefits.

I hope this helps answer your question.

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