What happens after a Social Security Disability hearing has been held?

What happens once you have had your disability hearing?

Once you have attended your disability hearing, your case will stay at the hearings office until the administrative law judge makes their decision. The amount of time it will take depends upon the ALJ's workload and the efficiency of their office staff. The judge's decision will be fully favorable, partially favorable, or unfavorable.

Once the decision is rendered, your disability claim is sent to a decision writer. The decision writer creates the official decisional notice. Once the decisional notice is completed, it is returned to the administrative law judge for final review.

Unfortunately, the administrative law judge does not have an official amount of time to complete the process. It could take six weeks or six months, but most disability claimants will receive their official written hearing decisional notice in about sixty days.

Dependent upon the decision and the disability program (SSD or SSI), your disability claim will be sent to the payment center or back to your local office for adjudication. For example, if you are approved for SSDI, your disability claim will be sent to a regional payment center for processing. Conversely, if you are approved for SSI disability, your disability claim will be sent back to your local Social Security office for adjudication.

If your disability claim is denied by the administrative law judge, it will be sent back to your local Social Security office for adjudication.

About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here.

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