Can working hurt my disability case I have a hearing coming up?
Topic: Working, disability claims, and disability hearings
Question: Will employment, even temporary, be a detriment to my pending hearing?
It's understandable that you would consider trying to work in this kind of situation. The thing to keep in mind is that you are not prevented from work activity while applying for disability, or even receiving disability. The issue is how much a person makes.
Under SSA rules, a person is not considered disabled if they can work and earn an amount equal to or greater than the SGA limit. This is a monthly gross income amount. If you make this much, you are not considered disabled. Here is the current SGA limit: How much can you earn and still get disability?
Another thing to keep in mind, however, is that judges are people with subjective perception, like anyone else. Some of them are clearly biased against claimants trying to win benefits. So, for this reason, in ideal circumstances, a person would avoid doing anything to add to those biases. This can be especially important if a person is trying to be approved for disability for a mental condition.
However, all this said, the realities of life are that a person must do what they need to survive. If you must continue working while trying to get disability, be sure to keep SSA up-to-date with your work situation. And be mindful of the earnings limit.
Here are some related pages:
1. How do you get disability if you have a mental condition?
2. Winning Social Security Disability Benefits For Mental Disorders.
3. If I Apply For Disability And Go Back To Work.
4. Working while getting Disability.
5. Can I work without it affecting my Social Security Disability or SSI?
About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability
Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here.
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