What type of income affects Social Security Disability benefits?If you are receiving SSDI (Social Security Disability), the most common type of income that could affect your disability benefits would be earnings received from employment or self-employment. If you earn too much it could suspend or even terminate your SSDI disability benefits. Additionally, it may cause a very large overpayment. Any month you earn more than the current year's SGA limit (after your trial work period) are months you may not be eligible to receive benefits. This is why unreported work may cause an overpayment of benefits, which will be your responsibility to repay. The only other type of income that could potentially affect your SSDI benefits would be worker compensation benefits. Social Security offsets your monthly disability benefit amount if you receive monthly worker compensation benefits or you receive a settlement. If either of these occurs, you should notify Social Security as soon as possible to prevent costly overpayments. If you receive SSI (Supplemental Security Income) disability benefits, any kind of income from anywhere could potentially affect your disability benefits. SSI is a need based disability program that is administered by Social Security. It is not SSDI. This program is like so many other public welfare programs in that there are very strict rules with regard to income and resources. You should report all types of income to your local Social Security office to prevent loss of benefits. About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here. Most popular topics on SSDRC.com Social Security Disability in North Carolina Common Mistakes to avoid after being denied for Disability Tips to Prepare for Filing for Social Security Disability or SSI Advice to Win SSD and SSI Benefit Claims Social Security Disability SSI Questions What is the difference between Social Security Disability and SSI? How to get disability for depression Getting disability for fibromyalgia SSI disability for children with ADHD What is the Application Process for Social Security Disability and SSI? Social Security Disability SSI Exam tips More Social Security Disability SSI Questions What makes you eligible for Social Security Disability or SSI? Related pages: What is the maximum of hours to work and still get disability? If I get approved for disability on the second application How long will an SSI or SSDI disability claim take? What hours can I work and get disability? What type of income affects Social Security Disability benefits? Can I file a new SSI or SSDI claim while appealing my previous decision in Federal Court? How long does a disability judge have to make a decision? How much can an attorney charge for Social Security Disability? If you are waiting on an SSDI decision, can you file for SSI? What happens if you become disabled and are not insured for social security? Can you get disability for arthritis of the knee? How long does it take to get SSI Disability Benefits? Can working hurt my disability case I have a hearing coming up? |